01482 320952

For Mobile and Tablet Repairs,
Get in Touch with Baz Mobiles in Hull.
Has your phone or tablet stopped working?
Whether you've damaged your phone or tablet, or it's simply decided to give up the ghost, get in touch with Baz Mobiles in Holderness Road, Hull. We have vast experience dealing with repairs to a wide range of makes and models of phone and tablet devices. So if you've got an old Samsung phone you can't part with or a brand new iPhone that's become damaged by accident, get in touch to discuss your requirements further and we'll do our best to help!
Give us a call, complete the enquiry form at the bottom of the page, pop into the shop or visit our booking page - it couldn't be easier to get in touch with us!
Repair Services
Baz Mobiles : Specialising in mobile phone and tablet repairs

Mobile Phone Repairs
For many of us, our mobile phone is an extension of our arm, in constant use, so it's no surprise that they are subject to a massive amount of wear and tear over the months and years we own them. For others, it's a means of keeping a little one entertained while you do your weekly shop or a lifeline to keeping your business alive. Whatever you use yours for, when things go wrong with them, we can feel completely lost without them. We offer a comprehensive phone repair service - all work is completed in-house at our shop on Holderness Road in Hull.
We also stock a range of second hand phones and tablets, should you wish to upgrade your handset or device.
Tablet Repairs
Whether you use your tablet for fun, games or to run your business, we can all admit we feel at a loss when it's not working properly. Perhaps you've dropped it and cracked the screen, need a new battery, or maybe it just doesn't seem to want to charge up, we can help.
We stock a wide range of spare parts at our shop in Holderness Road in Hull, and can usually complete repairs within the week.

Do you have a broken device that is in need of repair?
If you'd like to find out how much your repair will cost, simply get in touch by calling us on 01482 320952 or complete the enquiry form below!